The summer temperatures are great, your relatives are visiting you over the weekend, and you are planning a cookout, only to discover that you forgot to clean your outdoor grill the last time you used it.  Don’t worry.  Here we show you 4 green ways to clean your grill:

Vinegar and Salt

If your grill grates have rust, you can remove it with a solution of 2 parts vinegar to 1 part salt.  Simply soak the the grates in this solution for 8 hours.  Wipe off the rust with a cloth.  Then rinse with water and dry thoroughly.

Baking Soda

Another way to remove the rust from your grill grates is to use baking soda.  First, using a brush remove the most rust possible.  Sprinkle some baking soda on the grates and heat your grill to allow the baking soda to remove the rust, as it bubbles.  Let the grill cool and remove any remaining rust with a brush.


If the grates have grease and remaining food, you can clean them using an onion.  First, heat your grill very hot to burn down the grease and food residues.  Then, cut an onion in half.  Finally, remove any remaining residues by rubbing one half of the onion against the grates.

Lemons and Salt

Another way to clean your grill is to cut lemons in half and dip their exposed ends into salt.  Heat your grill very hot and rub the grates with the salty lemons.