Winters not only bring beautiful sceneries, but also high, very high utility bills. Here we bring you a small guide on how to save money this winter:

Change Air Filters Regularly

According to the Department of Energy, replacing a dirty air filter with a new one, can reduce energy consumption by as much as 15%. It is recommended to change the air filters in your home 4 times per year.

Clean the Refrigerator

Clean your refrigerator by removing any rotten food and reducing clutter. This will improve air circulation, increasing efficiency. Furthermore, you can vacuum the dust that accumulates on the coils of your refrigerator to reduce its energy consumption. Make sure you unplug your refrigerator before you clean its coils to avoid being electrocuted.

Reverse Fans

Due to its lower density than cold air, warm air rises. For this reason, the Department of Energy recommends to change the direction of your fans, so that their blades rotate clockwise. This will push the warm air downward, keeping you comfortable this winter.

Thermostat Operation

The Department of Energy recommends to set the thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit when you are home and to lower this temperature 7 to 10 degrees when you are not. This reduction of temperature can save you as much as 10% on heating a year.

Water Heater Thermostat

Water heating approximately accounts for 18% of your utility bill. Check the thermostat of your water heater. If it is set above 120 degrees Fahrenheit, bump it back. You will save as much as 5% in energy consumption, for every 10 degrees reduction.