Like our houses, our computers and gadgets are bound to get dirty. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and guidelines when cleaning your electronics. In this blog we will show you what not to do when cleaning your gadgets.

Chemicals You Should Avoid

Never use window cleaners, household cleaners, compressed air, aerosol sprays, solvents, ammonia, cleaners containing hydrogen peroxide, and abrasives.

Towels/Clothes To Avoid

Many manufacturers recommend not using abrasive clothes, towels, and paper towels. Apple, for example, recommends using a soft, slightly damp, lint-free cloth to clean the iPhone.

Cleaning Practices You Should Avoid

When cleaning your devices always keep liquids away and never get moisture into any openings. Never clean your gadgets while they are turned on or connected to electrical outlets. Never spray cleaners directly onto your electronics.