A wet kitchen sponge can provide a good medium for bacteria to multiply. If you want to avoid spreading bacteria in your house the next time you use your kitchen sponges, disinfect them in any of these 4 ways:

Bleach Soak

Mix 3/4 cups of bleach and 1 gallon of water. Soak your kitchen sponges in this solution for 5 minutes.

Vinegar Soak

Place your sponge in a container and pour 6 ounces of vinegar. Let your sponge soak for 5 minutes.


First rinse your sponge. Then place it in the microwave for 2 minutes. Make sure your sponge is wet. Dry sponges can caught on fire in the microwave.


To kill the bacteria in your kitchen sponges, place them in the dishwasher along with your dishes.