Whether you buy produce in bulks for a big family or single quantities for small families, you need to know how to keep your produce fresher for a longer period of time. By keeping your fruits and vegetables fresher for a longer period of time, you will save money and preserve the fresh flavors and textures on every serving. Here is a list of vegetables and fruits and how you can store them.
How to store your fruits and vegetables:
Parsley, Coriander, Basil, and Cilantro
Put them by the bunch in a cup filled with water and cover them with small zipper storage bags.
Leek, Sweet Pepper, Carrots, and Beetroot
Store them in plastic bags.
Cucumbers, Celery, Cauliflower, and Broccoli
Store individually in plastic wrappers.
Bananas, Apples, Lemons, Garlic, Potatoes, Onions, and Tomatoes
Store unwrapped.
Where to store your fruits and vegetables:
Counter Tops
Bananas, Apples, Tomatoes, and Basil
Darkest Place of the Pantry
Potatoes and Garlic
Refrigerator Shelf
Coriander, Cilantro, Sweet pepper, Parsley, Lemons, Apples, and Beetroot
Refrigerator Drawer
Cauliflower, Cabbage, Broccoli, Carrots, Celery, Leek, and Cucumbers